>>1102993 @ Anonymous118511
Get over yourself it's just a drawing. You are the same person as before you nut. Just enjoy the hentai
NTR AF if you don't like feeling like shit don't read it. Couldn't even get a half chub
Funny ending lol
Didn't FAP tho
This is true NTR, guaranteed to make you feel like shit.
Do not read this, it's sickening. I wish the kid Snapped and stabbed the father and the girl, at least it would've had a redeeming ending
Great stories great art wholesome af
>>1073199 @ Anonymous14429
I rescind my statement, this doesn't feel like NTR at all, it even has a happy ending and the main character isn't a cuck at all, his dick is wet from start to finish
Good art but super short
Loved it, and that anaphylactic shock had me laughing

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