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to being normal with the mc after this last one but the chairman had planned for the mc to bang her so that he could finally be broken and have her imaged shattered by the obsessive chic telling her to beg for it showing that she craved for sex but she also was wanting it to end so that she could stop it but it was to late beacuse he couldn't forgive her and them for what they had done and he finally broke. At he end it shows that she has been addicted to sex and misses him but the mc being broken only cares about seducing freshman beacuse to him all woman are the same woman who just crave sex and the chic knew that she would never be able to tie him down and at the end hes broken and she fucking with guys who can't handle her sex drive as the fat guy being one of the guys who raped her and the chairman is resentful for what his actions caused by him looking at the images of the mc with his crush being in happier times and the sister asking if he was curious of what it could have been if they would have became a couple. A fucking depressing Hentai if im being honest
From what i can summarize is that she was raped by the guys half a year ago and she taped being raped by them all masterminded by the chairman and obsessive chic. The Chairman was know to seduce girls as hinted by the loli girl who compared the present MC to the old chairman so they had her threatened with the tape being shared so she was forced into these sex orgys by the chairman and over time she became addicted to sex .The mc was gonna confesse his love for her on the day he caught her in the orgy he trys to have sex with her and she rejects him beacuse she said that the current way she was wasnt good enough for him and so then he turns to the chic who had planned it too have him all to herself by cracking his image of her and having hes kid. But when he over heard them talk about the tape he had one last hope for her and so the chairman organized for hes sister and loli to vist him to make him no longer have Morales and he planned for the last trip and was beat up by the mc for what he had done the girl(crush). The Chairman had told the girl that this was gonna be her last time in a orgy and she thought that she was gonna be able to go back
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