This manga is too weird for me to rate.

I give it an overall -4 out of 10!
10 / 10 For the art
10 / 10 for plot
10 / 10 for readability
10 / 10 will read again.

Also, this is extremely ideal for those who want to get into doing adult smut!
>>1257402 @ Anonymous218129
I agree 100%
The art is 10 / 10!
The story is 10 / 10!
Plot (the usual hentai) 10 / 10!
Revisiting this doujin is worthwhile, especially for new artists looking to explore the world of adult content.
Man pulled out the "Reverse Uno" move on her too... Lol. This one is a perfect 10/10 across the board and worth revisiting, pururin fam!
It's pretty decent!
7/10 for art
Censorship ruined it so...
10/10 art
10/10 for originality
0/0 for the re-read factor, it started getting repetitive near the end!
It made zero sense, but it was ok...
10/10 for plot twist, and would definitely re-read again.
Odd,but 4/10 would probably not re-read ever again.

Arts somewhat decent, but everything else simply made little to zero fucking sense. *Shrugs* -- It's something forgettable.
10 / 10 would re-read again!

I really appreciate the creativity of the artist/author in genuinely not simply making it a loli porn with zero ending just pure raw, carnal sex without meaning. ...It's evident that there was a ton of thought put into this.

IT's not bad. Decent. Wholesome. Not hardcore loli sex, rape, gore, vore...etc-etc.

Art is top-tier
Plot is wholesome

Would re-read again.
10/10 -- A 90's classic!

If you're going to do BDSM / Bondage / etc-etc right the correct way, than by all means please do use this as a case study for all future Mangaka artists out there!

Would reccomend, would re-read, would use as reference to master the nuances of drawing smut, and over all buy the manga to use as a how-to guide. This one is by far my favorite from Hakaba.
10 / 10 - Would recommend, and re-read again...
I may change my review later
100 / 100 -- The Art & Writing i.e. short stories,packed a punch for being full-of-little to almost no plot needed just enough sprinkled in her-and-there to keep the perverted readers' full & satiated by the ingredients the artist jam packed into this hentai.

Would re-read again!!!!!!
So she's a perverted groomer? AWESOME!!

11/10 would re-read again and again because simple plot is done more with less dialogue, than least appealing sex scenes covered in a ton of texts no one gives a shit about.
It was meh...
-9/10 would not re-read ever again.
>>1102840 @ GundamKira
I too agree that this one is a 7/10 in art and 4/10 in writing that caused me to lose brain cells reading this.

Overall ::-20/-20 would NOT re-read again
Stupidly weird...

10/10 --would NEVER read again
This second part really just as good if not better than the 1st story from beginning, middle up until the very end.

Artist delivers.

Art 10/10
Script 10/10.

I would re-read again.
One of the best well drawn sex scenes in futa history; Plot, storyine and originality is kinda bland, but it makes up for it in the art department

10/10 would re-read!
10/10 Would re-read...

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