Interesting plot to further all the sex play.
The stories were pretty good until "No one Wake Up" Nothing like teachers raping little kids to ruin your day talk about seriously sick shit.
Bwahaha to a slime there's no difference between giving a blow job and straight sex.
Great artwork but the story was confusing as heck. My guest is it would have been really funny in the original japanese.
Well that was silly.
It gets a little confusing when it switches couples in the middle, but still very good.
Even better than the first one.
Meh, the text could use editing. Not a bad story though.
Pretty good for a short one. A cute plot "ploy" too.
Anonymous165383 on
Good artwork story wasn't bad.
Well that was depressing. Good artwork and story, gets you right in the feels.
Pretty disappointing.
Well that was pretty strange.
No snacks for you young lady.
Love the artwork but didn't care for the ending.
I think the artist must have just broken up with a girl who pissed him off. Also "Even the largest of gorillas, more than twice as heavy as a human, will have a penis just two and half inches long when erect."
Yeah kinda disturbing.
I shit you not. Really there was a whole bunch of shit.
Not into the scat, but loved the nose hook and ring in her nose.
Loved the artwork but everyone in the story is mentally ill. No really think about it the mother not only sets her own daughter up to get raped by a stranger but to also have sex with the daughters father/brother. Of course the son is nothing to brag about but at least he tried to support his daughter/sister and his wife/mom. And then there's the psychopath/narcissistic asshole that started this whole thing. So maybe some people like reading this kind of story and that's fine but you don't get to tell other people they aren't allowed to have their own opinion.
Good artwork poor story.
Not a big fan of scat and mostly just skipped it but still a hot fantasy.
>>1070837 @ HentaiMask
" thousands of years ago" there are still sex slaves today "unwilling ones" and slaves in general. They are mostly from poor countries and ghettos in rich counties. It just that they have to be hidden because it's illegal most places and so far fewer than there used to be. Frankly the end of the story is pretty silly because there's no need for this elaborate plan. Frankly while I find the fantasy in this story hot the idea of anyone being enslaved disgusts me.

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