Well this whole thing sucks in a really bad way.
A series of stories about amputees that had plots for a change some happy mostly sad. Also not much Guro or Snuff, stories that were not just about blood guts and cruelty.
Anonymous165383 on Vivian.2
No plot but really HOT.
Well that was just stupid and poorly drawn.
The first page of the gallery and the postage stamps tells me this is A BIG NOPE don't even need to read it.
Senseless and nasty.
Betrayed by her friend, not that she noticed.
Good ol end stage capitalism anything for a buck.
Well not only was it nasty but it made no sense.
I'm being to wonder if all the people in Japan are psychopaths. Makes me wonder if they think it's alright to torture animals over there.
I made it though this one but I'm scared to read the sequel and find out how much worse he gets.
This was just plan bad.
Dark, gruesome, but still a good story.
Why yes his sister was a bitch to him but he hid in the house playing video games for ten years. So he's probably neurodiverse, guess what there's a lot of neurodiverse people out there that don't rape their sister simply because she's annoying. I'm sure he can talk to whatever they call health services over in Japan and his sister will be out of his way and then he can kill himself or even just get a job and chat up some on-line friends the rest of his life.
WTF, but it really was funny. WTF, but darn that was worse than I expected. WTF, but it was really funny in an exceptionally horrific manner. WTF...
The artwork is really good and the story interesting but seriously odd and WTF is wrong with the adults and health care professionals.
There were just too many levels of stupid in this for me to enjoy. So we have a cell phone thousands of years old. The serf who found it wouldn't be able to turn it on or read anything if they knew how to even read and it's battery would be dead with no way to recharge and there's no internet for it to get any information from and the app itself aside from being impossible has no way of affecting or changing the characters. The whole story is just Aladdin's lamp with endless wishes. Ha the whole story is about Incels with no skills beating people who actually have skills they suffered and fought for. If the serf hadn't been a complete asshole maybe I would have cared.
The comments are hilarious, like "oh dear it got too extreme" Dude you have a kitten turning into a person in the first pages and then having sex with humans???? after that point everything is pretty tame "but very silly". I thought it was a lot of fun.
Peeps, peeps it's just a sketch book of random pictures. LOL
Lamias regenerate so she will see again, her tongue will repair it's self and her arms will regrow.
Gotta say that didn't make much sense, maybe if I read some more about it.
Easily the best story I've read here. The plot, the artwork it all comes together.

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