Love how they set up that mystery, I didn't figure it out.
I love the way this was drawn, but I feel like I had no idea what was going on with the ending XD
ChocolateVanilla on
I'm lost on that ending, but damn he got his ass kicked.
Damn that was smart, she played him well.
"This doujin has too many plot-twists!" That line sums up this doujin.
What is that plot twist ... what even ...
ChocolateVanilla on
A-chan was clearly the better girl!
ChocolateVanilla on GG
Had lux; gets my seal of approval
damn I don't know who would think of a female fiddlesticks and why its actually really sexy ...
Never thought cassiopeia could be that cute.
This one is a classic, I always love running into classics that I had forgotten.
Came for the title, cant say I'm disappointed.
like its vanilla, but I still see this ending sadly...
it was okay, but that ending had me laughing so hard I got a headache.
the ending to the second story XD
Amazing tankoubon.
ChocolateVanilla on
Interesting concept.
That was sweet, just like vanilla.
ChocolateVanilla on
There I a Nazi tag... and was that a female, idol, moe hitler fucking some dude...
Was a bit forced, but was still cute.

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