A good one, kind of cute. 😁
I'd I was him I would kill them all, bleed them to death. Throat open, starting by this little porc, I would just open is stomach and stuff it in his mouth. I find these kind of works maddening, what I just said is what I would really do, they have some big luck that it's not in reality lol
>>1095123 @ Anonymous14106
I would not have this reaction personally, never thought about it but I would be quit angry 🤔
If I was him would kill this man, without any remorse I hate these type of guys, they just have to die, their existence is not needed.
>>1075681 @ Anonymous185328
That was some weird anatomy and biology lesson 😶 that man don't know shit about reproduction and is hurting her without giving her pleasure. There is no hope for this character 🙄🥱
>>1073549 @ GundamKira
Yes she should have kept him in her heart and respected her promise, Junpei is really a nice guy, his fidelity is really a great quality and a big part of his character. Because with those skills of him he could have made many but really a lot of girls fall for him XD. This manga is a nice work. Fav directly
I wanted to see an insurrection, just reverse the situation and show to these psychosis girls what they have done. It's don't like these kind of worlds
Anonymous70010 on
She so cute 🥰 my heart is melting 🙀, I'll read this again when I have some more time, such art
>>1065304 @ Anonymousand id they aren't good, they they have some part of there body who are so generous

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