She's chillin cause he's not ugly bastard damn
"Today I bought a girl"

God has left.
trásh on
Naisu <3
trásh on
Ara ara intensifies*
I hate her at toplane
trásh on Neeko's Help
Better late that never
5stars baby
Why ugly bastards so good at this fk
trásh on The Open Road
alpha chicc nice.
46 y/o? she looks like late twenties <3
he knew all along damn homie
Mitsuki is so hot woooo!!!
OK enough internet today..
I bet he didnt see that cumming :v
fking awesome!
>>1071322 @ GundamKira
he really loves miki but he can't admit it coz hes taking her for granted.
mah heart mah soul damn.

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