Really good art with good detail, Nice read.
Yuno on
"You came into my room and Succ'ed me!" This line got me, but the rest is good quality.
Yuno on
Awesome story and unique mcs, love it a lot!
Yuno on I LOCK YOU
Pretty good, the faces and detail made the female mc super cute.
Yuno on First Love Oath
Super cute, super wholesome. Perfect.
Instant classic here, Well paced and amazing art.
Besides it being repeated, This is a good read with good art and detail too.
Weird vibe to it all, cute drawings and the sister was written well.
Amazing art, well thought out and detailed in every page.
Super cute story and chars, the first pages text is a pretty cool perspective to see. You can really see the love that goes into every page.
Eh, art is pretty junk but the scenes seem to be planned out pretty well which is rare.
Clean as hell.
Really cute story and the art is good aswell, fun teasing aswell!
Nearly missed this hidden gem. Lovely characters and the art and really good!
Really bland but cool in its own way.
The ol' One Two!
Very cute!
Best tomboy you could ask for!
What a classic 10/10 what a tomboy should be.
Awesome art and wholesome as fuck.
Stupid as hell lmao.
What a cutie!

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