14 comments (0 hidden)

At Page 13
I lost it
I was dying by laughing to hard
Bloody smile
Can somebody explain that papa scene?
I'm confused
bunny cunny
srly .... why must memori lost ?
every h-manga who contain memory lost really cringe me a lot, i wonder if the author want to take a trip to another world im glady accept it ...

Poor Nanachi!!! DX

I just want reg with riko, but nvmnd. :3 The art is just too good.
>>18688 @ Bloody smile I didn't quite understand exactly how it worked, the manga can be a bit hard to follow imo, but he was able to see what nanachi could see as certain times.
umm... I feel more "fluffy" than aroused thou... what a weird feeling...
I love this website
>>18804 @ Anonymous42533
It's a place of wonders and has everything!
Papa bless
More excellent loli from this mangaka.
>>18734 @ Medukameguka
Ya got to read the manga to understand it. It is so much rather than the anime.
>>18688 @ Bloody smile
“Papa” in the original story has a way of spying on the characters we saw. Like he watches what they do. Obviously in the original MIA manga they’re not getting into... this,

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