12 comments (0 hidden)

One shot not manga
That was amazing lucky guy. Needs a sequel. Where he bangs her during the school year.
oh sure, when a girl does it it's hot. if a guy does it, it's rape.
need a sequel
>>21369 @ expletive
I think it has something to do with girls in those often being kinda motherly figures and guys often being ugly freaks.
Cat molester
This one is actually really good hope for a sequel
Holy shit! That was an amazing shota,I hope to see mor of this art from
Misaoka .
Too bad only oneshot, need sequels
This is a fun one
Ohhhhhhh my dream when I was young.... I wanna turn back time....
It must feel amazing to seduce a child
if she showed up pregnant that would be so hot, but this way he can still bang her in school in sequel

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