14 comments (0 hidden)

Not sure how I feel about this? Kind of feel bad for the husband.
Fuck this shit
Fuck this shit it reminds me of otome dori
I imagine he would be crushed if he were to find out the truth.
>>23282 @ BronzeRobot
We all do. Here's a dude working hard for his wives without knowing that not only are they being unfaithful to him. But, the baby isn't even his.

Brutal stuff.
Bloody smile
>>23366 @ Anonymous3033
Yeah but he did cheat on his wife though, so for me they're all lower than shit.
Might be just me though.
>>23390 @ Bloody smile
When did he cheat on his wife?
A Full Magazine Clip in that fat fucks head would solve his problems.
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X Bloody smile
>>23651 @ Anonymous3033
I came back from the grave to say: pg 4
>>24070 @ X Bloody smile
Yep I see it now. Thanks.

Wow, messing with both my brain and dick. Good one, matey
Black mirror
lol there's gotta be some backstory between the sensei and admin for the admin to ntr him like that

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