21 comments (0 hidden)

Just read page 3 and decide whether or not to proceed.
It was my first time reading this kind of doujin and I can say: I never cringed so hard in my whole life. . .
masocist dont read
great story... just masterful
Did you know that in France (maybe, it’s somewhere in the world) it is illegal to have sex with a dead body?
>>27391 @ Kotakun
Not just France that's most places
Bloody smile
>>27431 @ Anonymous
I think the only way it can be legal is by specifically including it in a claus in your will like:
Oh by the way, my husband's gonna preserve and fuck my body so no burial or cremation.
Just make sure to play "avenge seven-fold: a little piece of heaven" during my funeral ceremony and make the guest sing out the song as they bury my empty casket.
Scat just fucking ruins everything
A human
That was coolio
I tried so hard but just couldn't get off on this
I have lost my urge to masturbate. Jk, just a little disturbed.
I think I lost my urge to masturbate. Jk, just a little disturbed.
Think that this is legitimately the tamest reaction I've seen to a snuff work ever. Like almost no joke every other work including his other works always have people freaking out and shit; and I wonder like does anyone read the tags before reading the story or what?
yup.. great idea i like it
Wtf is this
Tf did I just read
page 22 lost me. i thought they both died? can't be a flashback, cant be a continuation.
I seriously need some therapy's help... (ー_ー)
May the Good blood guide your way.
This is a combination of everything I could have hoped for in a hentai
I wonder what it’d feel like to bang a decapitated body... it’s always been a fantasy of mine, it’s a shame that it’ll never come to fruition (||´-`)

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