19 comments (0 hidden)

Wow, as this is Hal I thought things would go south and get fucked up.
Interestingly, they didn´t.
Yet we will have a sequel; hope it doesn´t get dark.
Yes, a threesome sequel. I can't wait. (This was before I knew the horror that was to come)
>>30643 @ GundamKira
Shit, I didn't notice this was a Hal hentai. Funny enough I thought the blonde was going to kill them both. Not too far off from that. Great, just notice given this is Hal the sequel might be worse. I guess it was too early to celebrate.
>>30655 @ BronzeRobot
Let´s pray it doesn´t go nuts.
Just for a change.
I've seen the sequel, it's going nuts as always.
Twins... Need I say more?
>>30661 @ GundamKira
Yeah it gets worse, fuck. That's it no more Hal the art is good action too, but the dude/gal is vile as fuck.
>>30671 @ BronzeRobot
Checked all chapters.
Well, it wasn´t as bad as other works.
BUT, you do have a point.
>>30679 @ GundamKira
A train wreck is still a train wreck. I wonder what's Hal's deal, like if the world screw Hal over or something, well that's the more nicer guess, the more realistic one is Hal enjoys it. Shame, such a waste of art.
Bloody smile
>>30685 @ BronzeRobot
I'll take hal's bed endings over ntr everyday of the week other than when i'm under an extreme time limit.
>no pain
>no suffering
>no suicide
>no fuck corpse
This is hal so i'm expecting to drown with shit up to my ear, but thank god...
>>30723 @ Bloody smile
You must really hate ntr. I'm not a fan of ntr, but I'll take a mild case of it over snuff/gore bad endings any day. Kills the point of enjoying a hentai.
>>30735 @ BronzeRobot
Well Snuff/gore by themselves I can read them, as I can even find "funny" the "effort" the artist puts for such a nutty work.
For NTR I´m kinda like you Bronze, if doesnt mean an utterly BAD ending for the "Good characters" I might recognize the work.
But yeah when combined those are... no comment...
Whereee is the next pageeeee ToT
>>30763 @ GundamKira
Yeah for me snuff, and gore on bastards is fine, on female scum a karma-tic rape is preferable instead to snuffing or gore-ing/mutilating them, just to watch them squirm. I do like a bit of the ultra violence, and the old in-and-out. On good or goodish characters, no.
>>30780 @ BronzeRobot
Yeah, i take a dosage of NTR (or any other freaky tags you can mention) every now and then just to balance out my karma
Bloody smile
>>31597 @ ZERO
Sorry but ntr is litterally my lowest point. Just above is guro. Above that is just snuff. Above that is cheating ( bad kind ). Above that is girl fucks guy. That particular one is fine if he also fucks back though.
After this the blonde girl kills the sister tell the guy he says she sick wishes the same thing happens to blonde girl so she jumps of building screaming that she hopes he watching her

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