11 comments (0 hidden)

give me the 4. chapter, oh, also i know japanese did anyone give me a link?!
Action is soo nice draws are awesome and the best is this think have a story!
This story. Love the art,action, and everything so far, especially the extra parts. It's funny, and at times sad. Jesus I'm hooked to it.
Aww, they are both so awkward around each other. So cute >_<
Dammit I didn't come here for feels but that was good
Wow what a long build up. Well it's good to see some meaning behind sex at times. It was a nice read.
Dim the Darklight
The art is great, the action is great, the plot itself is good,
it is even relatable as a parody,it is also a good series!!!
Its easily 10/10 for me
No homo
This made my little heart pump like crazy! This story is so cute!
We all need that 4 chap
this is so cute wtf i think im in love?????
not gonna lie came here to fap, left with a great story and no more arousal. win-win all around

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