15 comments (0 hidden)

Bloody smile
But seriously though, everyone is at fault here.
The girl's not trying to help boost his confidence and keeping secrets.
The guy's not trying to improve himself, not trying to learn by asking for advice and not trying to sement their relationship.
Yes it's hentai but it still posses me off. I mean if your gonna say it's because he was shy then how did he land a hot g f in first place !? * insert Hades god ducking ***** *
Bloody smile
Harsh. Art, and action are good, girl is hot. Still better than the dojo NTR one.
Garbage again.
>>38050 @ Bloody smile
How's the blonde guy in fault >:(
Bloody smile
>>38078 @ Anonymous
For existing
A total boner-killer. Trash
>>38050 @ Bloody smile
I don't disagree with a single point you've made.
Bloody smile
>>38140 @ Anonymous3033
Its because we're intelectual perverted gentleman.
Bloody smile
>>38192 @ Anonymous3033
I heard a british accent when i read your response. This pleases me.
I'm here for the ahe-face
Daddy's Suck
Mediocre NTR ... Didn't got the guy's prospective ... He should have been on the phone with her or something ...
Fvk up

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