10 comments (0 hidden)

My mom told me to stop playing g video games and go read a book. This counts right?
>>39531 @ Anonymous
No it doesn't. And your mom should've been ashamed right now
>>39531 @ Anonymous
Bruh, should i told you to go back to your games rather than sinking into the abyss here? With this doujin?
I like hypnosis, but like so disgusting this one...😥 how can a girl get it off if its bad
>>39837 @ Anonymous
I've known a few chicks that are into some outlandish stuff. The idea is the more disgusting and morally wrong it is, the hotter it gets. I'm not one whom subscribes to that, it's a fetish.
damn, this the reason why i destroyed the world.

I want a second volume to this...
The Pussy Gaper
You know virgins and gaping pussies are a good mix.

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