11 comments (0 hidden)

He's Arabic, but is still intact? And feminine gay? Not complaining. This unrealistic concept makes it enjoyable. Thank you Japan.
Damn, cuter than like 96% of girls
>>42250 @ BronzeRobot
What do you mean by "He's Arabic, but is still intact?" and what is "feminine gay?" also, how can you tell hes Arabic?
Bloody smile
>>42277 @ Anonymous3033
I think he considers all Arabic guys circumcised one way or another.
And for the second one ... a trap ? * shrugs *
>>42277 @ Anonymous3033
The Arabic thing can be found at the start, and page 15 hammers it even more, hell his name might count too (I'm not sure about that one, don't know Arabic names.) As for the intact all boy Muslims have to be circumcised, yet the lovely trap isn't (which doesn't bother me, not a fan of snip snip). Feminine gay just means he looks like a girl, and is gay which I'm sure can get him killed in most places in the middle east.
>>42250 @ BronzeRobot
Implying law applies to rich people over there. there were videos about a prince shooting at an innocent person and he got off.
traps you got to love em😉
Bloody smile
>>42308 @ Anonymous
Woah, let me stop you there love.
The only hate thats suppose to be here is against someone else's fetish.
Do not bring the politics or real world problems to us who's either polishing our spears or cooking our clams through friction.
Cyan Collibri
1. He is Arabic
2. He is feminine (i don't know if you've noticed, Arabs hate fegs)
3. He is uncircumcised

I enjoy a bit of detachment, yes

But not on this absurd level
This is funny...the people who commented are considered "DUMB" coz they keep on arabic that and arabic this...dont they know that Arabic is the language of Arab countries??? Whats funny is that theyre arguing about Arabic😂😂😂
The people commented above did not do any research😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Are you all illiterate???😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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