4 comments (0 hidden)

silver lining
Concerning the third one where the two cunts blackmail the kid and his mom (which is kind of ridiculous that the kid didn't even try to break the phone). Yeah, they blackmailed her to give them the answers for their future tests, but given that they actually won't learn shit and cheat for the rest of their time in that school, they'd go to college uneducated as fuck and would probably fail their first semester miserably, thus setting off the downward spiral that'll end them up with low income dead end lives. That or they become prostitutes or some shit. All that matters is that they'd end up living very miserably
Nice art, but the story keeps getting end at the good part.
>>45160 @ Puru
hahaha, you are right!
Holy shit these were so hot! Came a few times from the style alone. Def new fav!

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