7 comments (0 hidden)

Bloody smile
Its finally here!! *Evil laughing has been upgraded into 3 step maniacal laughter of homicidal demon king*
Dislike due to tomgirl tag (faggots. . .)
>>45131 @ Anonymous
you should have written down " why tomgirl? It's a trap, you fagggots!" oh well, your comment will get dislikes because of misunderstanding of your standpoint, but who cares? (shrugs)
>>45131 @ Anonymous
You're a garbage human being, a literal waste of human potential and good oxygen. Just because someone likes the same sex doesn't give you the right to judge them. Go be a bully somewhere else.
>>45185 @ Anonymous
Found the faggot
>>45111 @ Bloody smile
What the fuck
Ah yes, it started out as bullying and became a touching and beautiful love story between two faggots. His slow transformation into a tsundere girl was actually really hot not gonna lie. I don't even consider myself gay.. O.O I guess I need to rethink my life.

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