8 comments (0 hidden)

Prepare to burn in your jail cell, motherf###er
I think this needs the emotionless tag, as the girl was totally emotionless. I was thinking she looked tsundere, but wasn't even that. I wonder if there was no onee, and it was just her who set things up... we can all hope...
Doesn't feel too bad in the kokoro, still bad as a whole
>>46315 @ Phartsalot
maybe she's a dandere or sth. There are different types of deredere's, y'know ;)
Lord Zero
>>46315 @ Phartsalot
I was about to comment just that. It seems like there wasn't any sisters to start with.
Would have been a fun plottwist if the little girl just pretended she had an older sister and she herself had send the text massages
This was gold 🤘

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