5 comments (0 hidden)

finally krillin. u finally aren't getting cucked by ur own son
>>48705 @ Anonymous
What? Lmao XD
ill take 50
God, it's nice to actually get something with these two that's not cheating or NTR.

Frankly 18's the least likely to do that anyways.
Imma be real with you NTR is trash I understand if "plain" sex is not enticing but just cause he ain't getting cucked doesn't mean its vanilla vanilla literally just means vaginal sex or like some sort of sensual romantic sex none of the rough hardcore stuff like rape gagging bondage exhibition etc. So this is welcomed when 90 % of 18 and Videl's hentai is NTR honestly how can you be aroused by that shit don't you think about what if it happened to you

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