10 comments (0 hidden)

This was pretty fucked up
I sorta enjoyed this
You know, you can kidnap her or rape her but don't amputate her or beat her up it will make her beauty degenerate and she will became more lifeless which make it less exciting and pleasure-qble.

At least in my opinion
>>61660 @ Blowjob_king
That one guy
>>61660 @ Blowjob_king
Bro how exactly do you know sex slaves will be less pleasurable if amputated?
That other guy
>>61662 @ That one guy
He is talking about the hentai being less pleasurable if the girl gets amputated.
What are you talking about o_O?
Daddy's Pussy
>>61660 @ Blowjob_king
nobody cares your opinions , watch the Genre list before reading hentai... no Gore no Life :P
Wow this is pretty fucked up
Best ending for a guro, even if she got messed up and raped, she's still ALIVE and she can CALL THE POLICE and SAVE HER FRIEND since it looks like they abandoned her or something.
(just sayin' this even tho guro ain't my cup of tea, just curious tbh.)

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