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horse dick lover
Congratulations! You now have aids! And you are the scum of the earth, please die.
Girls that can casually take on horse cock scare me. I doubt a human will ever be able to satisfy them.
Edit: drama by AioDesu below. Continue reading at own risk. I don't think AoiDesu is even 18.
Hmmm..... Whoever fuck with a horse please stay far away from me.
Bloody smile
All these people complaining and I'm here just thinking, why'd the horse where panties in the cover?
uhhh. Considering that vaginas are typically ~3-7 inches, she's definitely not wrong about the torn womb bit. Did someone say p e r f o r a t i o n ?
>>66426 @ AoiDesu
>>66437 @ Anonymous78791
Friendly reminder that blacklisting exists.
Tho I'd rather blacklist rape and snuff than a concesual relationship between a horse and a girl. But hey, to each its own I guess.
Good read, and good action. She sure is dedicated.
Just want to remind everyone that every human is different,in this case, their tastes.So don't be mean person and read the tags before enter.
You guys complain a lot when a girl being Fucked by Horse, but meanhwile me so fired up looking man fucked up some Horsegirl.
>>66459 @ Wayfarer
I'm not mad about this manga/doujin. What I'm mad about is that some stupid person will try to get fucked or fuck a horse(or any other animal) and get diseases. Like dude there are humans to fuck if you're horny. Get laid man instead of getting dangerous diseases and spreading that disease to other people. And if they still want to do it. I want them to do me a favor and put a bullet in their head, because that just endangers the people around them.
>>66487 @ AoiDesu
WTF are you going on about you mongoloid? just shut your little incel mouth and go away.
>>66487 @ AoiDesu
Some people know the difference between fantasy and reality thank you very much.
And I'm pretty sure it's called Darwinisme, or natural selection. If someone does something dangerous for oneself... Welp, that's one him/her. I like living and will therefore avoid doing dumb life-threatening stuff, like trying to fuck a horse. Being kicked to death by hooves and found butt naked in a barn would be purr-etty embarrassing. And should I survive, it'd take more than the Avatar to capture to regain my honor.

Nonetheless, the action were great, the girl was cute, the horse was hot. Added to my favorites in a hearbeat 👌🏻
Lol how does this trigger people its so unrealistic. Ima Fina bookmark dis shit
Das pretty hot
>>66509 @ Wayfarer
are you sure about that? if they know about the difference between fantasy and reality then why the fuck does this article exist?

"Did you know that right now it’s entirely legal for a man, or woman, in Texas to walk into a pet store, buy a dog, take that dog home and then have sex with it?

The facts will make you sick

Provided he doesn’t cause the animal any pain, in the eyes of the law, that man has done nothing wrong. You can also do it in chilly Finland or on the beaches of Hawaii as well as in Japan and certain parts of Australia, which also do not prohibit sexual activities between humans and animals.

5 years ago you could do it in many more countries, including such paragons of modern civilisation as Sweden and Denmark and more than a handful of US States, according to the animal law centre at Michigan State University.

These facts will probably make you feel surprised, and quite possibly angry or sick as well, but they're true.

One point of (slight) comfort before we continue, it is totally illegal in South Africa, and has been for centuries.

Humans having sex with animals is called bestiality, and it isn't nearly as rare as you might think. Estimates of prevalence vary, but by any estimation the numbers are still substantial. Writing in the 1940’s, famed sexual researcher Alfred Kinsey estimated that 8% of men and 3.6% of women had engaged in some sort of sexual act with an animal."

You know, I have a belief that every person is a possibility, even the disgusting ones. Not everyone thinks like the other, so they WILL definitely do dumb stuff.
Humans having sex with animals is called bestiality, and it isn't nearly as rare as you might think. Estimates of prevalence vary, but by any estimation the numbers are still substantial. Writing in the 1940’s, famed sexual researcher Alfred Kinsey estimated that 8% of men and 3.6% of women had engaged in some sort of sexual act with an animal."

You know, I have a belief that every person is a possibility. People don't think the same, they don't eat the same, and even talk the same. That means that there are people that will DEFINITELY do dumb stuff without properly thinking about the consequences. Thank you very much
This is hentai it has no logic kay so aids or not no lohig.
This is hentai it has no logic kay so aids or not no lohig.
Bloody smile
>>66426 @ AoiDesu
Come on another -6 and i can prove that -20 means auto delete!!! Help me my brothers and sisters! For the glory of science!
Quieren pito? Tengo mas que el caballo
>>66430 @ Anonysis
I've seen a couple of videos, and you're right. The horses in those videos looked really bored.
What the fuck this hentai has to do with someone trying it? Fucking retard, there's already bestialty porn so this hentai isn't something new
Just gtfo you probably shouldn't be on this site in the first place
ah.... I see..... You bumbling idiots can't accept the truth. Do you even know how fucked up the world is? You can't be reasoned with. You can't even give me a proper argument. It's just cursing , cursing, and cursing. Is that all you can do?
>>66615 @ AoiDesu
We live in a society...
>>66654 @ Utsu
Bloody smile
>>66572 @ Bloody smile
Yes I've proved it!!!. -20 means auto delete!!! SCIENCEEEEEEEE
>>66677 @ Bloody smile
That's not science.
Never seen this much comments on this website
Bloody amile
>>66679 @ AoiDesu
Make observatio. Make a hypothesis. Make a test. Make observation. Make inference base on test. Science.
>>66536 @ AoiDesu
Well, if the law authorizes it then there's nothing wrong. I know my country does not allow such activities and I therefore will never do it, but should someone living in a country where this practice is not forbidden do it... What can you do if not wishing him or her the best?

As long as you're respecting the law, I don't see any problem. I will not judge other countries' laws and habits with my European's eyes.

Besides, bestiality has been around for so long now, one could think it's become mankind trait to fuck everything it could. Mankind fucks, and fucks up, all it can. Men, women, animals, forests, heck, even the planet and space. 😊
I'm just a bit curious but what does HENTAI have to do with real life. it not promoting sex with animal, people do know the difference between real and fake (except the one with mental problem or the dumbass people who don't) in real life only certain number of people fucked animals but guess what who fucking cares that their choice, you can't stop it as much as I can't. Starting an argument on something because of this hentai is really stupid and trivial, that like saying that it wrong for two men to fuck each other or two women, you can keep complaining about it til you go red in the face but when it comes down to it you can't do anything to stop them they still going to fuck what they and who they want to fuck because again it their choice. that like telling a person who masturbate a lot to stop masturbating because it wrong, guess what they going to keep doing. This hentai just like other hentai is in the world of fiction wheres anything and everything is possible.
Slutty Bitch
Sometimes I wish I could get a cock like that but that's sadly impossible ;(
Hey guys did the party start without me- Oh Shit. Well I'll be on my way then
I'm usually not really into beastiality and shit, but the artwork is so amazing and "Happy Sex" is always a plus. Compared to most other stories where a girl is raped by a dog or a literal pig and the artwork can be grossly realistic.
Hmm 🤔 bad

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