14 comments (0 hidden)

That was nice but way too short D:
How is that even possible though?
>>67578 @ Anonymous3033
This whole series is based on changing genders with swimsuits and THIS is what boggles your mind? lmao
>>67634 @ Anonymous95
In my defense, I haven't actually read the series. Just the epilogue.
>>67578 @ Anonymous3033
A very small amount of people who are intersex can have children, though that amount is VERY small. And almost always results in a C-section, since most of the time they don't have wide enough hips, or their hips don't have the split in them like women do.
Bloody smile
>>67787 @ Anonymous
...Wait so child bearing hips ain't completely hogwash
This is so hot in concept, but it was way too short. I wish they extended the sex scene for at least a few more pages
Interesting so a it’s a intersex, is all the family intersex?
loved It
>>67578 @ Anonymous3033
there is actually a tribe in Africa where the children actually have a chance of changing from girls to boys poor boys to girls when young never they can't change back and forth and it's a very celebrated event when a girl changes into a boy this was thought to be because of the incest relationships they tend to have seen as they don't marry outside the tribe so it is an actual real world scenario.😉
PFffttt!! that ending lmao

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