11 comments (0 hidden)

Such bitch
Bloody smile
HELP NEEDED!!!. Tonari no furi-san ga tonikaku Hawaii. It's a name of a manga but it's artstyle reminds me of certain hentai with a slightly chubby main character (the way the guys face cheeks that look squishy but not fat squishy) but I can't remember the author of it so ... help?
This is which part? 2 or 3 if by story?
>>70272 @ GrahamSouko
Don't read NTR just to comment about how much you hate it. Go read something else. People click on NTR to watch unfaithful women dummy.
I hate ntr.....but cant resist it at the same rime....fuckkk!!
Nah she is just a bitch, if you love your husband, show some resistance, come on
Iirc there was a scene of her fertilized egg before, so why would it retconned it would be much hotter if she did get pregnant
So very good

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