17 comments (0 hidden)

nani, stand
nani, stand
Love it. Lucky guy, 2 girls.
Feel real bad for Kazuya though. Girl shouldn't be leeching him since she doesn't even like him.
I'm all for the 2girls 1 guy, but when another guy is supporting her without knowing, it feels real bad and they other two just seem like absolute dicks.
3 bullets, 1 to each of them in the head. They deserve no less.
didnt read tag, god fkin damn it felt so bad though i came even so fk those adultery sluts.
it's clear: hating Ntr is a new fetish
>>109385 @ Anonysis
Never thought there would be a time I would agree in something with you on something xD
Guess theres a first time for everything :v
The moral of the story is to not drink to much and to fight your shyness I guess. If he had, he would have participated at least.
Too bad for him. At least he leaves a happy life, even if his kid isn't his. Long as he never find out, his bubble of happiness won't pop.
Silent Looker
Boutta hit 20 and I hope reality isn't like this
This is so fucking shit and it's the shitest hmanga that I have ever read before 💩💩💩
Guys let’s face it. He’s simply a beta for not noticing his girl being a bitch and acting weird. A quick secretive DNA test would expose everything.
people here's nothing else than a fucking pathetic cucks

The NTR victim needs to fuck the other guy, feminize him, and run off to raise the baby as a couple to assert dominance over these hoes.
the reader
this guy is a fucking asshole
Nani ? This Guy Cheating

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