10 comments (0 hidden)

finally some Chinzurena!
I wish artist made the story a LIIIITTLE more believable.
looks like a 10 yr old shota, "i know he's a 30 year old man inside"
Bloody smile
>>144485 @ Anonymous
But it wouldn't be half as funny
>Lets just be gay together then
So you are telling me that traps are gay only now?
Sertching for lolis,ending up with admiral ackbars warning(its a trap)
yeeeaheheh miss this art style
This is the first time I've seen trap manga this openly gay and proud of it. You have my respect.
Fucking gay. Didnt expect this shit
Oh Okay
This manga...LOL..."he's a dude, but that ass..." hahaha
Did I mention that he’s 30 years old??

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