11 comments (0 hidden)

Yup a happy ending.
Bloody smile
>>146710 @ BronzeRobot
Heh, everyone's happy
Fuck no, i think there is a posibelity that she killed him to fish him out and because she is pregnant with his brother's child
>>146710 @ BronzeRobot
Fuxk you it's not happy for the uncle
Straight up psycho, bet the uncle was killed & the kid is gonna turn out fucked up.
Oh shit ,here we go again
bittersweet ending I like it.
>>146740 @ Anonymous112024
why is everyone disliking my comment
She didnt kill the uncle.
She did not kill her husband. You telling me she waited 5 years to do it? Y'all just want to imply some unnecessary shit
Why tf would the husband be killed by her

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