# Title Pages
#10 B-trayal 1 / B-Trayal 1 9
#20 B-Trayal 2 10
#30 B-Trayal 3 11
#35 B-Trayal 3.5 13
#40 B-Trayal 4 15
#46 B-Trayal 36 19
#50 B-Trayal 5 13
#60 B-Trayal 6 11
#70 B-Trayal 7 17
#80 B-Trayal 8 13
#90 B-Trayal 9 19
#100 B-Trayal 10 20
#110 B-Trayal 11 20
#120 B-Trayal 12 17
#130 B-Trayal 13 / B-TRAYAL 13 16
#132 B-Trayal 13-2 Rias 20
#133 B-Trayal 13-3 16
#134 B-Trayal 13-4 Rias 16
#140 B-Trayal 14 / B-TRAYAL 14 21
#150 b-trayal 15 19
#160 B-Trayal 16 15
#170 B-Trayal 17 Rem 16
#190 B-Trayal 19 15
#192 B-Trayal 19-2 19
#201 B-Trayal 20 Hestia Part1 / B-Trayal 20 Hestia(ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか)Part1 19
#202 B-Trayal 20 Hestia Part2 / B-Trayal 20 Hestia(ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか)Part2 18
#210 B-Trayal 21 Takao 16
#220 B-Trayal 22 / B-TRAYAL 22 17
#222 B-Trayal 22-2 Akeno / B-TRAYAL 22-2 17
#223 B-Trayal 22-3 / B-TRAYAL 22-3 17
#224 B-Trayal 22-4 Akeno 17
#225 B-Trayal 22-5 Akeno 17
#230 B-Trayal 23 Venelana 19
#232 B-Trayal 23-2 venelana 15
#240 B-Trayal 24 Erza 14
#250 B-Trayal 25 Chifuyu / B-Trayal 25 千冬(本大爷自购) 17
#260 B-Trayal 26 golden darkness / B-Trayal 26 Yami(本大爷自购) 17
#270 B-Trayal 27 17
#280 B-Trayal 28 Shion (転生したらスライムだった件) 16
#290 B-Trayal 29 Sylvia 15
#300 B-Trayal 30 Tsunade 20
#310 B-Trayal 31 Rossweisse 17
#320 B-Trayal 32 + Extras 20
#330 B-Trayal 33 Lucoa 17
#340 B-Trayal 34 + Extras 20
#350 B-Trayal 35 Rias&Orihime 26
#370 B-trayal 37 + Extras 22
#380 B-Trayal 38 + Extras 19
#390 B-Trayal 39 Marin Kitagawa + Extras 19
#400 B-Trayal 40 + Extras 22
#410 B-trayal 41 Shalltear 17

2 comments (0 hidden)

this artist sucks, secondly no way in hell does the raikage want any smoke from naruto or sasuke, shit sasuke cut off his fucking arm smh this artist eats dick
Actually sasuke used amaterasu and the raikage cut his own arm off either way you're right raikage dont want no smoke from the two that beat kaguya otsubitchski

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