5 comments (0 hidden)

I have mixed feelings about this. Demon King's an absolute douche. And they didn't really do much to actually get rid of him. He'll be back to cuck again sadly.
>>1062875 @ Anonysis
MC's sister could just abort him, right?
>>1062892 @ Nerex
Depends, it could be a type of forced immortality, where even if the baby is aborted he would automatically be changed to become a different person's baby, and then they would never be able to find him again until it is too late.
After the sisters the story went too fast without explanation (the extras seem to be for the Tankoubon) and why the F. That plotless extra trap anyway? xD
And yeah I agree with Anonysis, the plot about the emperor is not truly solved 🤔>>1062875 @ Anonysis
>>1062875 @ Anonysis
Pretty sure the demon king new that he was dying so he made MC and infused MC with his own memories. I think with the forced exorcism and the king's reluctance, we can infer that there's some sort of change where he won't be the same when birthed from the sister.

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