5 comments (0 hidden)

Happy ending. At least she's not dead or maimed in any way.
>>1065270 @ BronzeRobot
hope ur mom get the same treatment lol
how can it penetrate through the cervix tho
>>1069138 @ cave_shōta
well... phisically, it can be... but you have to say goodbay to the posibility of pregnancy... there was some accidents withd toys, and a girl hurt a male porn actor during a scene that she got impaled
It this whole thing is terrible for her but somehow in this episode she makes it sound like the goblins raping her are worse than the humans raping her. At least the goblins will keep her alive to give birth to goblin babies and she'll have a chance to escape "like heros do". The humans would have just killed her so no one would find out.

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