10 comments (0 hidden)

My nickname
So what about their family income?
Goddess. That ASS, and anal. Love it.
>>1066068 @ My nickname
The mother must have save up most of her income and may be received insurance and inheritance from her late husband. Also her son is most likely on a scholarship.
>>1066103 @ Ronon
too much realistic logic.
>>1066114 @ Sigmarc
Who said you cant apply that to hentai? XD
They still have their own twisted logic, but they are not inmmune to IRL logic 🤔
>>1066124 @ GundamKira
I never said you cant apply. I said the logic was too realistic
>>1066068 @ My nickname
Who's gonna pay the bills?
>>1066126 @ Sigmarc
Then is good logic 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
1000/1000 that's good man .. well i still wondering his mom really pregnant 😂

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