8 comments (0 hidden)

Yo wtf
Well, if you like nipple fucking, bug rape, and maggot birthing.. then this is 10/10.
If you don't, then this is really really really disgusting. I would stay away if you're a normie.
No NTR here, saddened. :(
Kinda wish there was just a section at the end that is a no-text every pic from each scene once sorta thing.
Well that was a strange fantasy world. If you like nipple fucking, bug rape, and maggot birthing all kinds of strange and unlikely insects this is a story for you.
what in the actual fuck
Hooee what a enjoyed reading I have in a long time, it have everything that I love and also a happy ending since a lot of manga like this one usually just end without a proper ending. To top it all off I also loved how the Author gave us little 4th wall section at the end, it like a finish line where you get the rewards after finishing the race which in this case finish reading ( and fapping ) the manga 😜

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