7 comments (0 hidden)

Dr. Degenerate
This came so late, aaaaaahhhhhhhh! Still a good book though, very nice
In a world of fantasy creatures, surprisingly its the real world orcas that gave her the biggest beating so far.
Yesss it's out
As much as I appreciate her enthusiasm, I really can't fap to someone being toyed this hard and willingly putting its life in danger like that. :c
Concerned Parent
I found this in my son's search history. it is according to the tags supposed to be guro, but where are the spilled organs and the dubious amounts of blood? I will take away his PC, because if he watches Guro, he should at least watch something that is more guro than these scratches. I am disappointed in him.
>>1076581 @ Anonysis
To be accurate she did it to her self xD
Eh, I think the doujin artstyle got downgraded heavily, so the plot... like 6 chapter fucking with fantasylike creature now with orcas? She don't really cast any spells to begin nor use the usual (fake) provoke move lmao

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