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I don‘t know what to say at this point..
>>1078433 @ Anonymous
I thought I‘ve seen many fcked up things.. this site never fails to surprise me. Ugh.
Holy fuck. How entirely disturbing. And ive seen a lot of disturbing sh*t on this site.. But this is definitely the worst!
Somebody delete this from my memory please.
I stumbled over the "guro" tag because "how weird can it be? looks not that go- oh.."
>>1078421 @ Anonymous13863
Something along the lines of "I forgot to read the tags. Just wanted some fap material and was caught off guard by the existence of other fetishes than big tits, butts or feet"?
You know what's the most disturbing thing? The fact I liked this. Damn
when a guy aborts a fetus through sex in hentai "this is so hot, wow sexy"

when a futa aborts a fetus through sex in hentai "this is so disturbing, so fucked up"

why dont you sensitive hypocrites just shut the fuck up!

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