3 comments (0 hidden)

kekw 9.9/10
He should finally come clean and take all 5 of them as brides. That way they would be able to stay with him, his stopper on his desires would come off, and they would be able to mate and produce lots of babies which would solve the declining birthrate problem they all face.
@Anon 1071928
Take 4 of them as brides and punt the lizard cunt off a cliff.

Ursula is nothing more than a sadistic bitch who really doesn't give a damn about him. Only reason she cares enough to help him is because she can't get offspring from him if he's dead. She admitted already in the previous chapters she wouldn't care if she took control of him and created offspring of her own using his body.

Love this series, but she's that one nasty character I really wish would just go away.

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