6 comments (0 hidden)

Dongs Speedwagon
Look, I'm sure you guys are discerning individuals who understand how sex works and regularly practice with loved ones, but just in case there's like a million to one chance that someone reads this comic and SOMEHOW is a virgin and needs to be told:

Don't fuck in a shower/bath, water is anti-lubricant.

Don't do anal without prep work, especially additional lubricant, it does NOT go in that easy even in the best circumstances.

NEVER switch, she's going to get a hell of an infection.
>>1078524 @ Dongs Speedwagon
Anal is overrated anyway
>>1078524 @ Dongs Speedwagon
i'm not into anal anymore anyway...
>>1078524 @ Dongs Speedwagon
not a fan of shithole tho, but ok information
Ahah nice to see someone "ok" on this website lol
Should be more like you there

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