9 comments (0 hidden)

Well, it is what it is. For the love of God, read the tags first.
Well, this fella never disappoints... In a lot of weird ways... 😓
Oh dear god. Who could even make up something like this
it was like a train wreck. I jut couldn't look away no matter how disgusted it made me feel... and the next thing I knew I had finished reading it. I'm no longer in the mood to fap. maybe I'll be back later, but I'm not to sure right now, my mind is a mess right now.
The fact her hair doesn't burn bothers me more than it should
>>1090902 @ Dirto
I didn't even notice until now. lol
>>1090902 @ Dirto
Artistic license to NOT make it less appealing? xD
>>1090902 @ Dirto
Why? Hair burns at 233c, it will only begin to darken at 175 at show slight differences in color of strands at 195c.

You roast meat which is what they do here at 150c,great attention to details that her hair is actually unaffected.

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