3 comments (0 hidden)

sweet! part 2 is here! Dayum part 1 musta been a smash hit then
Dude, it's obvious to me that neither one of them are hypnotized.
They're both just in love with him. The childhood friend is upset but going along with it, because she's devoted and has a low self esteem, and the president had a crush on him and is a total pervert so just went along with it.

They both pretty much got exactly what they wanted, so no hypnosis was necessary. They were probably doing counseling together because they both liked him and were talking about him all the time. It's possible that the childhood friend asking for love advice is what made the president fall for him in the first place.

She heard about how great he is every day and women always want what other women want. It's their nature. Plus being a pervert made her go for it without question.

Not sure about the girl on the street tho.
>>1096032 @ Chaosmastermind
you might be on to something, but I think it's a two step proccess with the hypnosis. Perhaps interacting with yume makes them susceptible to Yuu's orders

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