4 comments (0 hidden)

Kinda sad that this site is dead. I remember back in 2013 when I was a sophomore in high school the comment section used to be super active. Every now and then I return for the nostalgia. This site is where I read my 1st NTR, dam the comment section had me cracking up from all the soy kids being triggered xD
>>1102414 @ Anonymous9545
I didn't know about this site in the hay-day, as it were, but have the soy boys honestly stopped spamming on every NTR without reading it? Talk about a miracle! XD
Very good read. Story was simple but very sweet, the art is just gorgeous and pannels like page 6, 9, 19 and 25 are just gorgeous. A very worth read, and a very worth fap
>>1102415 @ delicatemermaidThe guys who aren't cucks are soy boys? riggghhhttt

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