4 comments (0 hidden)

why even bother creating a harem-esq setup when you're going to use it in the story?
>>1218654 @ F.B.l
I think you meant "when you're not going to use it in the story"
(you forgot the "not")
Anyways, yeah I agree about it being a bit of a let down there's no harem even though the setting is ripe for it
Personally, I would've preferred a slightly different scenario where men being so rare resulted in women being more sexually aggressive, as opposed to passively being outlets for sex by men.
Nobody's gonna say anything about the girl having a DAD in a 1/1.000.000 male/female ratio setting? The chance of the girl having a Dad and herself getting another guy in the same class, its the same as winning the lottery twice, max price, in a row.

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