5 comments (0 hidden)

Regardless of the character being male or female...
I DESPISE like you have no idea characters like the Onee-Chan, especially those who go on that "He/she is not worthy of you" bullshit... makes me want to put a bullet in their head (extreme... I know) xD
Then again, nice art as always with the author.
>>1102372 @ GundamKira
Don't worry Gundam, I can do better (proceeds to brain hole the older sister then unload the rest of the magazine into her body followed by beating and punching)
>>1102393 @ Anonymous203006
I never said that was my BEST.
But they are not worth more than that xD
Then again, I like your idea :D
This was great right up until the massive curve-ball at the end, wtf
kinda shit

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