Well.. he got her hooked... he should be a good "Owner" and take responsibility:V
>>1102408 @ Anonymous203006
Thank you...
*Grabs your head to get it near the bowl so both can smell*
>>1102403 @ Anonymous203006
Nah, I still fapped...
In agony of how dumb the onii-chan was/is...
Then again he got his comeuppance :v
>>1102393 @ Anonymous203006
I never said that was my BEST.
But they are not worth more than that xD
Then again, I like your idea :D
Regardless of the character being male or female...
I DESPISE like you have no idea characters like the Onee-Chan, especially those who go on that "He/she is not worthy of you" bullshit... makes me want to put a bullet in their head (extreme... I know) xD
Then again, nice art as always with the author.
In a way... Happy ending... 😅
>>1102179 @ Tongle
At least is not Snuffy-Torture like a "CERTAIN SOMEONE"...
>>1101314 @ Anonymous218215
>>1101426 @ Anonymous239436
Forget that!!!
The promise from thw author at the last panel is what Im truly looking forward to :D
Art is a bit too chaotic to actually make sense of it...
Its kinda hard to pinpoint where to stand regarding the guys...
On one hand what a pair of pansies considering the girls went forward...
On the other hand knowing what I do as the reader; I can understand their dislike of the girls...
Oh well funny read regardless.
Thats... Actually a way to abuse her daugther...
Its not that the basis is exactly wrong, but that execution...
Me at the last panel:

Jeez...what wuss of a man (and a woman)...
And what a BITCH of a maid xD
Its not necessarily the case with the father baldness fully transfering to the shota even if they are blood related...
But I do get the intended pun 😁
Milkshake was the best story in my eyes 👌
>>1100450 @ Nenene
The author is a MILF specialist.
This girl just happened to be one of those work where the female is in highschool.
I kinda feel bad for her...
>>1100304 @ Usagi-tan
It would surprise you how easy is to buy stuff from the internet with almost no one knowing who the hell you are... Even being a loli xD
Will he get caught, or will he get away with all the girls...
Who knows 🤔😂

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