Top Tier read, easily in the upper echelons of A-Tier.

10/10 would Imouto Loli succubus again.
No matter how many times I have forgotten that this exists, it always warms my heart, because whenever I stumble upon it, it reminds me that god tier Ahegao is hard to come by. So I'm always steadfast to say this is definitely a classic.
Anonymous15209 on
This was simply serendipitous.
I feel ashamed as I cannot give this the 10 stars that it so rightfully deserves, but alas I'm a man of compromises and I will settle for 5 out of 5.
This was a very good read and the ending will have you wanting for more.

Art style is very luxurious, and in my personal opinion highly addictive.

For all of you fortunate enough to have read and rated this, I hope you had an amazing experience like me.
It's not everyday you come across amazing quality such as this.
So if any of you were lucky enough to be privy to this archaic knowledge, that is know as soap land; Let It Be shouted from the Treetops that MILFs are best girls every time!
I'm just a sucker for this type of art style.
If I could give this Doujin 10 Stars I totally would.
Anonymous15209 on
This Doujin has such a great Easter egg tattooed on her arm.
They say Tenno come in all shapes and sizes. But I didn't know Warframe released a Gyaru Mother Tenno.

All in all this DLC is definitely worth buying.
Anonymous15209 on
If anyone's on the fence about getting this the best way to put it.

Imagine you're a trapeze artist walking across the tightrope, you have to take that chance and make sure you either like it or hate it.
I took that chance and I'm about 75% sure I like it.
Pizza Hut has fucked over more Pizza places then this Shota has fucked Big Ol tity girls.

Call right now and get 2 large 2 toping pizza's for only 12.99!

Don't fuck tits... fuck PRICES MY NIGGA!
PaPa J has a brand new Ice cream line of flavors. That is 100% sweeter then this
Lil-Crying ass nigga.
This manga with his heart as my mixtape! Dropping 2035! You thought the Hiroshima bombings were bad? Wait till you see this!
There's only one thing you can do after nutting to a quality Doujin of this caliber
You should all join me, and come on down to Pizza Hut where you can get 2 medium size pizzas a large Coke and any 1 free topping of your choice all for just $11.99
Snack better, Nut harder!
You know I never thought quality. Whatever be used to describe a Doujin. So if anybody wants to 1v1 me in Checkers on Rust quickscopes only my gamertag is 6969_uRmUm_6969
Anonymous15209 on
If you think reading this Doujin for free is a good deal. You don't know nothing yet; if you come on down to Papa John's Pizza you can get two large pepperoni pizzas and a coke for just $12.99. You're practically fucking us but we don't care!
So come on down what are you waiting for that first bite of pizza will feel better than both of these girls put together!

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