Rufus really fell off the wagon after Kim Possible ended...
>>1093103 @ HentaiMask
Nope. More like climbing rope and running laps.
Beautiful, emotional. Perfect.
Would like to see a spin-off about the son uniting people. Doesn't need to be porn, either.
Yoga? Cheating? I thought I turned off GTA V...
What happened to his scar?
>>1091784 @ Anonymous203006
Ever see that seen in the JLU cartoon where Superman says he holds back because if he went all out, everything would crumble like cardboard? Big-dick nerdo is Superman.
Based and vanilla-pilled.
Great story, but the MC has a fucked up face.
Interesting to see it from the perspective of the girl. Good art.
The true struggle of being a man yet kinda enjoying when a girl calls you cute.
Bro I almost shit myself seeing that ghost.
Pretty cute. Forgot I was reading a hentai for a bit.
My only "eh" is that the angels that the people were trying to assault in Sodom and Gamorrah were male and never got raped, but hentai so eh. Good art.
I loved it. The art was servicable, but the story really made it for me.
Okay, not much story. Art was alright, but the scan seemed LQ.
Top-tier shit. Cute story, hot sex.

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