A sweet sexy story.
The level of surreal on a scale of 1 to 10 is a 12 and the insanity would be a 20.
Uhmmm, yeah I really liked it.
The guy is an asshole and oddly enough can't figure out why people don't like him or want to help him.
I agree started out good and then just lost direction.
Weird but really hot.
That was fun and erotic.
Honestly it's a pretty cool story idea but better artwork and more detail to the story would have helped.
It's a horror story with a grim ending read at your own risk. But the art work is first rate and a well written story line.
Pretty darn bad if the mermaid had bitten their dicks off I would have cheered.
Uhm yeah he's going to say the wrong thing in the future and she's going to kill him and then she'll be sad that she did.
Anonymous165383 on
Wow, I could only read about 40 pages it is really bad.
Pretty creepy as intended.
Alrighty there...very hot and sexy with really interesting nipple play but it is really weird.
Good one but her partner should have followed her and after all the sex helped her out.
Pretty good but her partner was just like ho hum she went off and I won't back her up because I'm an asshole... he literally had no excuse not to help her.

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