It needs more artwork.
Cool idea but the artwork needs some more thought and improvement.
I found the art work pretty lame and the story boring.
It has a good start so far, it's humorous and a little more original then many of the others.
Nice imagination, interesting way to modify her.
I wasn't expecting to find it interesting. Kinda like not being able to look away from a train wreck.
Her not taking care of her kid bothered me. Her cheating on her husband not so much.
Well that was different.
Just some cute little cattle.
Silly and fun. Seriously even small insects can be dangerous though.
Silly and sexy.
Uhm, does this make any sense? Other than her being raped by a parasite?
It even has a good plot and nice artwork as well as some hot sex.
The artwork and sex are good but it's getting repetitive. Already read the next and it's good but more of the same. They need more/different kinks and/or some dudgeon monster sex.
Not much of a segue from the first story to the second, but once again the artwork and sex were top notch.
Not much of a plot, but the sex was hot.
Very hot, very sexy...Great artwork, kinda funny and yeah some future Cos-players in the making, maybe a sequel at a convention???
Humiliation isn't one of my favorite kinks but this was really good.

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