Story with an oddly good ending, the snuff rapist got his head blasted to pieces and Tia was able to be brought back into the fold while getting replacement prosthetics for the limbs she had lost.
wow story is picking up pace! I'm interested to see what happens next!
Man that story arc was something else. Good to know an endangered species was able to secure a mate
"I'm not too interested in lewd stuff, i'm happy as we are"
welp...she jinxed it
it's an Airandou collection so you know it's gonna be good!
so happy part 2 got approved! Artwork is amazing with just the right amount of comedy to keep it entertaining
loli and happy sex, finally some more good food!
if it's loli and happy sex you know it's a good day
>>1254153 @ Fumei
theres also a drip pool on the final page,(have to look towards the bottom of the page between her legs to see it) so I think she's broken enough by the sex to have both despised and somehow enjoyed the revelation.
kinky! what a nice find! That plot twist towards the end too! knew EXACTLY what you were getting into when you shortened your skirt. Why act so surprised?
this artist never fails to deliver with the yuri corruption
This was good! Nice find Puru.
That indecisive guy though, JUST TAKE BOTH OF THEM!

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