This is damn good, only problem is the dialogue but who gives a shit its hentai beat your meat bois
>>1079516 @ Anonymous
Brother do not feel guilty about what she did, she fucked her friend behind your back fuck her bro no matter what happened you ain't at fault no matter what anyone says do not fucking blame yourself for her fucking your friend that's her fault you have no right to be guilty about it instead be pissed off and fucking dont take it man i know it might feel like shit but mate whatever you do it's not your fault its hers
kurozero10 on
Dat was hawt
How tf did I come across some cotton candy, goddamn it I have to take a doctor's appointment
We need a doujin to FUCK KADOKAWA
this speaks directly to my heart in fgo
kurozero10 on NKDC Vol. 2
>>16715 @ BronzeRobot
thats a great idea
kurozero10 on
that was sexy a fuck
wait thats it? or is the pages missing
Justice is served
we need to see the monetization-chan get fucked by demonitaizaion-kun
see i get the second part had an ugly dude, but if ya get harassed by bitches i wouldn't mind them ending up like that

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